Thursday, January 29, 2009

Flip flop fantasies...

I love tall boots, tights, winter dresses, and soft, bulky cardigans to wrap oneself in, with a passion. For me, the enjoyment I get from Fall and Winter ensembles, lessens the pain and malaise that many others experience and hate about the winter months. But there is a point, that day in mid-January that always strikes, when the leather boots start to constrict too much, and the woolen sweaters that cocooned and comforted start to itch...

On a recent morning while getting dressed, the sandals and flip flops that sit in the storage wrack on the back of my closet door eyed me patiently, daring me to put them on. It was 7 degrees outside, and all I wanted to do was walk to work in my reefs! Alas, it would be a good 5 months before doing so here in the Northeast. I have, however, already begun that slow march back to Spring and Summer, and the many sites and catalogs that I peruse have been taunting with frocks and accessories for warmer months. Tie-dyed-yummy-cotton-baring-shoulder dresses tease and capture my fancy...try Singer 22 for this and other perfect Summer styles from Gypsy 05.

It's staying light out later, and the mercury will slowly make it's way above freezing, so patience dear friends and flip flops, we'll get there soon enough.

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